Can i just say, I love to give. I love to give what God has allowed me to have. Now I would like to preface this post by saying that I am not boasting. If I loved cooking this much, I would write about that. I so want to inspire people to give. It doesn't have to be money, it could be time, or skills. I just truly believe that we were made to love on others and if we really look at other countries, we are sitting much better than most of them. I feel like our purpose is not to collect as much debt as we can, rather become debt free so we can serve God whenever & however He needs us to. He might call you to a mission field, but if you are so bogged down by debt, you can't fulfill the ultimate desire God placed in your heart. With that said, here is a part of our journey.
Every year we sit and write out our giving goal, it includes things from tithing to the $20 I give someone that calls. So far, we have given as a percentage of what we exciting at the end of the year to really tally up what we gave. It always amazes me how easy it was to give the money as well. I once heard someone challenge another person to "out give" God. Well, as we sat down this year and started to make out giving list & goals, we decided to somewhat apply that saying to our goal. We both took a night to think about what our goal would look like as well as prepare our hearts for what God had in mind for us this next year. Kev & I met again and our number that we had come up with was off by a small amount so we decided to go with the higher number. This number FAR exceeded anything we had done previously & it would definitely take God to complete.
As I sit here writing this, we have almost completed our goal. Our last big donation was to give a family going on a mission trip with their 5 kids to KYRGYZSTAN for the next several years a car. I got tears in my eyes telling them how the money had just come in and the story about our journey.
You might be saying there is no way I can do anything like that, much less tithe. I challenge you to try. Not go crazy & give on credit card or put yourself into further debt, but set up an account that $5,10, or 20 goes into each month. This way you can give when it comes up. I can't describe the joy that has come into my life as well as the deeper relationship I have with our Heavenly Father. I pray that you step out of your comfort zone and try giving. Truly rely on God & trust He will provide. He has for us as well as several other couples we know. I also pray that if you ever have any questions you feel free to contact me. I would also love to hear a giving story of yours if you have one.
can we go back?
12 years ago