Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gift of Giving

Can i just say, I love to give. I love to give what God has allowed me to have. Now I would like to preface this post by saying that I am not boasting. If I loved cooking this much, I would write about that. I so want to inspire people to give. It doesn't have to be money, it could be time, or skills. I just truly believe that we were made to love on others and if we really look at other countries, we are sitting much better than most of them. I feel like our purpose is not to collect as much debt as we can, rather become debt free so we can serve God whenever & however He needs us to. He might call you to a mission field, but if you are so bogged down by debt, you can't fulfill the ultimate desire God placed in your heart. With that said, here is a part of our journey.

Every year we sit and write out our giving goal, it includes things from tithing to the $20 I give someone that calls. So far, we have given as a percentage of what we exciting at the end of the year to really tally up what we gave. It always amazes me how easy it was to give the money as well. I once heard someone challenge another person to "out give" God. Well, as we sat down this year and started to make out giving list & goals, we decided to somewhat apply that saying to our goal. We both took a night to think about what our goal would look like as well as prepare our hearts for what God had in mind for us this next year. Kev & I met again and our number that we had come up with was off by a small amount so we decided to go with the higher number. This number FAR exceeded anything we had done previously & it would definitely take God to complete.
As I sit here writing this, we have almost completed our goal. Our last big donation was to give a family going on a mission trip with their 5 kids to KYRGYZSTAN for the next several years a car. I got tears in my eyes telling them how the money had just come in and the story about our journey.

You might be saying there is no way I can do anything like that, much less tithe. I challenge you to try. Not go crazy & give on credit card or put yourself into further debt, but set up an account that $5,10, or 20 goes into each month. This way you can give when it comes up. I can't describe the joy that has come into my life as well as the deeper relationship I have with our Heavenly Father. I pray that you step out of your comfort zone and try giving. Truly rely on God & trust He will provide. He has for us as well as several other couples we know. I also pray that if you ever have any questions you feel free to contact me. I would also love to hear a giving story of yours if you have one.

Monday, December 21, 2009

This & That

It seems that it has been quite awhile since my last blog! My how time passes!!

Here are some pics of what we have been up to:

Annabelle has recently learned how to write her name so she writes it everywhere & I love to see it! She has really been coming out of her shell. She has been more outgoing at school and out around town!

We tried to take some family pics, this was the best one. I really was going for a super silly one, but in the end decided to go with one of all the kids.

Annabelle & I drove to Kristy's house to pick them up on our way to visit my Granny. She always wants to see the girls so we try at least once a year to go. I think everyone enjoyed it! I love Granny's face in this picture :) The girls were troopers as the room my Granny is in is about 8' X 5' or so.

Molly turned 1 in November. She is soo big. She has been walking since she was 10 months old. We have been working on her signs. She does really well with milk & more, but almost always refuses to say please. It's amazing how stubborn she is about doing that sign. She has been getting in several teeth as of late so she's a bit fussier than normal, but all in all just a sweet little girl!

The big kids are doing well. Trying to figure out whats next for each of them. Syd is working 2 jobs and is going to go to TCC in the spring. She just moved in with her friend for about a month to see what its like on her own. Drake is doing about the same. I guess no news is good news. He comes over about once a month & gives us an update of what he is up to.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Baby Maddie is here!!

My sister had her little one. She was born August 20th. It's hard to believe that she is 12 days old now...seems like yesterday I was there meeting her fresh "out of the hatch"!! Well, it seems like yesterday I had Molly and she is almost a year!!

Annabelle started MDO at a new place this year and they take naps...still not sure if I like that, as it cuts down on my naptime ;) Well see how it goes. Here is a pic of her nap mat cover I made. Even has her name embroided on it...I'm pretty excited about it!

Baby Maddie & yummy toes!!

Big sis & Lil sis

Love this pic!!

Crazy Catrett Family.. first family pic :)

What a blessing! Thank you Lord for a healthy Mom & baby :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Family Pics!!

OHHHHH, what fun we had!! I was so glad everyone was dressed and ready to go on Saturday. Molly even kept her dress all clean! He are a few of the picks we took at the park. We also had a professional take some of the whole family, we get to see the proofs on Thursday. We made sure to pack some snacks for the little animals that were out...this also helped to ensure good pics and behavior!!

AB, MJ, & Ellie

Drake, Syd & AB

Ellie & friends forever...although, Ellie tried to tell AB that they were cousins & NOT friends. Annabelle insisted and after some hesitation, Ellie agreed that they could be both ;)
Show me some sas girlfriends!!

My sister-girl LV & I
You the, LaVaughn! Haha, that rhymed. Speaking of, I asked Ab to turn on the lights the other day & she said, "sure thing girl"....To which I replied, "did you just call me "girl"?" and she replied,"sure did!!" Yep, she's my girl!!

The big kids

This is one of my favorites of MJ. Yes, I do LOVE sepia!! Almost all my pics on the wall are that way.

All the kiddos... Drake, 19 Syd, 17 Ab, 3 MJ, 9mos

This is probably my favorite of the big 2.

You know, sepia is nice also b/c it cuts out the extra color people put in their hair that fades! Syd had some deep purple put in, but it turned blonde way faster than she had expected. It looked pretty good while it lasted!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Color Change

Oh, I need some color in my life! Kev took the girls for a day and while they were gone, I painted! I wanted to add the green, and when I asked the fellow at Lowes how much I needed for one wall, he said 3 gallons. Luckily I only got 2, so if you like the green, let me know as I have an extra gallon!!

I can't figure what color to pain this wall. I am so open to anything...well almost anything!

Just changing one color has made such a difference. I love it! Now I just need to find something to go on the wall beside the window.

My little lady...getting so big!!

Annabelle showing off her backyardigans tattoo she got from Brax's party. Molly got one too, but hers has come off already.

The girls room.
I would love to add color to their room. I want to have a fun room for them, but I am so not creative... any ideas welcome!!

My new bike. Molly doesn't really care for the bike trailer, so we got the seat, which she loves. Annabelle enjoys having her seat all to herself again.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Facts of Life

I have been married to the most wonderful man for almost 8 years. We have great kids and a wonderful life. I live in my bubble. I love my's a happy place.

My bubble has been punctured several times lately as life changes have been made.

Syd graduated. Amazing & wonderful, she did it and did it well. She was going to go to OU but couldn't keep up with the commitment she had made so now she is staying for another semester here going to TCC. I love it that she is here. I hate it that we had to stick to the commitment. I think as a mom, you always want your kids to have the best/be the best. However, the old saying, "you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" comes to mind. You see it comes down to decisions that EACH of us make, on our own. She CHOSE things other than studying. We CHOSE to keep the commitment, which in the long run we feel will be better for her...We pray!

Drake has come home after a long time away. He had made some terrible choices and they took him down...not to the bottom, but close. There was a "last straw" pulled at his grandparents & now he is here with us part time. I think he is getting better, but the same saying applies to him too. He is going to be 20 this some point you have to stop spoon feeding and let him begin to feed himself. Which we are doing. We pray that we are doing the right thing, we pray that he is making wise choices.

The little ladies are doing great. Annabelle is getting along well with Molly. She tries to pick her up and Molly screams. It's a funny scream. It's a "leave me alone or else & that's mine" scream. You know when you hear that scream what is wrong. Annabelle knows it too. When she hears it, she immediately looks at me and says, "I was just trying to help her!" or something to the like. Molly is growing fast and is teething. She has been crying a ton and following me around, hanging onto my's hard for me to get anything done.

I love my father-in-law... I was truly blessed with him. He has been here for quit a while & I am so thankful he is here. I love that the girls have a grandparent that is close that loves on them, and corrects them. I love that he is in the Word everyday and shares the Light & Love of Jesus with us. What a gift!

Our business is going well. We added a lady that we have heard nothing but great things about. I pray she will be a great asset to our team. I pray that we have enough work for her. I pray that the new health care legislation doesn't put us out of a job.

With all this great/new/old stuff going on, it has left little time for Kev & I to actually talk. I had a breakdown...we need that time with our husbands. We need them to do more than sleep beside us. My bubble deflated...

I have a pride issue that I didn't want to say that I couldn't handle my life. That I couldn't do it all. I had to tell him, because I wasn't me anymore. The fun loving, caring, funny, goofy person he married. I was a shell. Ladies, talk to your man. I did and he is re inflating my bubble!! He doesn't want the shell, he wants me, but he is no mind reader. I love my man, I am so thankful for him, & I pray for him & for us that we continue to find comfort and protection in each other. What a gift
God has given us!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Catch up...

So many things have happened since the last post, I'm not sure where to start... Syd graduated from Bixby High School and was accepted to OU. Kev's family came up for the graduation. We went to a Drillers game with everyone and had a blast even though it was pretty hot! Here is one of my favorite pics of Annabelle and her gamma, as she says it... She loves her grandma, infact, when we are going on walks or drawing pictures, she is sure to tell me that she is doing/saving something just for her grandma!!

This is one of my favorites of Molly. She is now 8mos and crawling like crazy. She started jsut before kev left for Italy and has gone crazy ever since! She has 2 bottom teeth and chews with her tongue to the side...I think that is where she might be getting her next tooth? She loves to brush her teeth, bug her sister, & hang on me. She is pulling up on everything and I think will walk before long. Tonight I was doing the dishes & she actually climbed up onto the dishwasher...crazy I tell you! We got her a thing to roll around in that has a tray...she can now chase Annabelle around the house. I love to hear them giggle :)
Love this pic of the girls! I need to get one with all the kids. Drake is now coming back home for a week at a time. We have truly enjoyed hanging with him again! He is working with Papa Clyde doing yard work while he is here. He is going to TCC in August & seems to be getting back on answer to prayers!

Here is a pic of the colosseum in Italy. They were there for a week, but it seemed like eternity to me!!

Just before they left for the big excited!

So Kev's dad is here with us and his mom is coming in sept. to stay with us for awhile. We have enjoyed the time with him & I think he is enjoying it as well. It is so nice to have grandparents close to love on the kids, they so need it!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Syd's Prom

Oh, I remember when...
When Syd was just 6 years old and shaking her little booty to Pretty Woman for a dance recital.
When she was just a little snaggled toothed kid
When she needed us to help her fix her hair
When she got her braces
When she had nose surgery
When she started middle school
When she was a cheerleader
When she started to play in the band
When she started color guard
When she started high school... now with only a few days left of high school, she is one of the most beautiful young women I know.  Not only on the outside, but the inside as well.  I am so proud of what she has done and continues to do.  

Just before she leaves for Prom.

Syd & her girlfriends
I love this pic of the girls.  Annabelle saw all the pretty princesses and wanted to be like the big girls!
All the girls...only 2 had dates.  

I'm gonna miss her!!  
Check out more pics from her prom here
and also here.
I so hope I am savvy enough that the links work...we'll see :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

My sweet Kiddos

Oh how I love my girls!! Here are some recent pics. 

Our little super star!!  Aunt Missy gave Annabelle Michaela's shades for her birthday...Annabelle just loves them.  We got the little dress from Ida Red's down on Peoria.. Some of the cutest little clothes in there for little ones and for us, as well as old school candy and Toms shoes... you should visit!

Sweet Pretty Girl at Easter.  Kev is putting her Lover Girl shirt on... She passed away this last Monday from Pancreatitis.  We are sad she is gone.  She was a great dog/friend/protector and will be missed.  I need to go and pick up her ashes from the vet's office so we can have a little funeral at the house.
Syd & Molly

I love this pic of fact, when she is a senior in high school, I just might put it in the yearbook for lasting memories :)  She is starting to sit up on her own, giggling, and grabbing tons of things.  She is a very happy baby and especially loves it when her big sisters talk to her.  Her eyes are leaning towards the green side, and she looks more like Kev and Syd everyday.  

San Francisco baby!!

Last week we went to San Fran with some great friends, the Fullers.  We enjoyed every bit of our adult time traveling around California.  We walked San Francisco, then headed up towards Mendocino and stayed in Fort Braggs, going from there to Garberville.  There we drove thru a Redwood tree and hung out enjoying the locals.  From there we drove back to San Fran to catch a Giants game.  So much fun, we finally made it to our seats by the 8th inning...had to eat first :)   
SO here we are on the plane

The Golden Gate Bridge

Our hotel in San Fran.. $70 a night!
Our fabulous friends!! 

It was a great time.  Here is the link to more pics...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random pics from today...

Syd and Kristy

The best pic yet of Molly smiling...

I love this one of Annabelle!

Silly Molly. :)

In her Daddy's hands...

Weekend memories...

Oh what fun we have had this last week. Annabelle is loving her "real life" baby doll! Poor Molly. I love this pic of the girls. Annabelle is feeding her goldfish...I was able to grab it out of her lips before any damage was done! She gets lots of extra hugs and kisses from Annabelle.

Ellie and Aunt KK came in town this weekend. This is a serious love/hate relationship. They can't wait to see each other and they "have" to wear the same things. I think it's great!

Uncle Mike joined Annabelle and I out to the aquarium on Valentine's Day. It was packed...who goes to the aquarium on Valentine's day?!? Glad I have a pass so we can go anytime!

Annabelle is amazing . Especially how I can tell her once and then she gets it. She loves music. We are still looking for the perfect princess song to dance to, we go through quite a few CD's and dace to all of them!

The snake...

Annabelle had made this paper plate snake and I thought we were done playing with the thing so I threw it away... She looked in the trash for something and all she could say over and over with tears streaming down her face is," mommy, you threw away my snake????" What could I do but take the thing out! Here she is, happy to have it back.
Molly is sitting up and cooing...getting so big. It's amazing how fast the grow up. I know I say that just about every time but seriously...
Syd is staying busy, working all the time and practing for winterguard competitions in her off time. We miss hanging out with her more!
Posted by Sydnee:
(Syd rocks the hizhouse she is so awesome i love her so much we even bought the same shirts. i hope i can be just like her :)